Shepherdstown Sweet Shop

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Opened in 1982 by Howard Butcher, the Sweet Shop is situated in an approximately 200-year-old building that, like numerous other historic structures in the vicinity, holds a significant past. In the era of the Civil War, this establishment served as a Confederate field hospital and gained particular prominence due to its role in numerous amputations performed after the Battle of Antietam on September 17th, 1862. The second floor of the building witnessed these amputations, with the discarded limbs being systematically disposed of through the windows onto flatbed carts.
The central figure that presents himself is an individual recognized as ‘The Colonel.’ The sighting of an aged gentleman donning a grey military attire, featuring white hair and a mustache, has been documented predominantly occurring at night but also during daylight hours. On one occasion, an individual attending a job interview at the bakery had the experience of witnessing The Colonel pass through a wall. There have also been instances where others have sensed his presence, making contact in a non-threatening manner.

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Shepherdstown Sweet Shop

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