Old House Woods

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Old House Woods, located in eastern Mathews County, has deep historical roots. During America’s colonial days in the 18th century, pirates and British soldiers were said to have hidden treasure in the area. The dense forest near the ocean offered a secluded place for outlaws to evade capture. Both Revolutionary and Civil War sailors used the woods as a secret port. The name “Old House Woods” originated from a colonial plantation, the Frannie Knight house, which stood in the forest in the late 1700s. The house mysteriously caught fire twice, once extinguishing itself without assistance. Over time, the forest reclaimed its remains. Additionally, the land where the house once stood, contained a burial ground for slaves and Native Americans.
Reports of strange activity have surrounded Old House Woods for decades. Visitors claim to see ghostly apparitions of headless figures, animals, lantern lights flickering, sounds of shovels digging, voices, and most famously, floating Spanish galleons. Revolutionary-era British soldiers, sometimes skeletons, are said to search for lost treasure on the grounds. A glowing female figure called the “Storm Woman” is also seen. Her eerie scream warns sailors of coming storms.

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Old House Woods

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