Worley Hospital

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Constructed in 1929, the hospital was named after its founder, Phebe Allan Jackson Worley. With help from a local physician, Phebe secured funding for the large establishment, which served Pampa residents long after the oil industry’s decline. As resources depleted, the town’s economy stagnated, making it harder to justify keeping Worley Hospital open. Pampa Regional Medical Center began catering to more patients, meeting the healthcare needs of the town’s shrinking population. Now abandoned, there’s been talk of converting Worley Hospital into a Bed and Breakfast under new ownership.
Shadowy figures have been seen at windows and corridors are frequented by a mysterious individual dressed in black. Both believers and non-believers of the supernatural experience feelings of unease and perceive a looming threat, as if an inexplicable force compels them to evacuate the premises. Chairs have also been documented to drag across floors and found in different locations.

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Worley Hospital

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