Jennie Wade House

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The Jennie Wade House holds a tragic story from the Battle of Gettysburg. In July 1863, 20-year-old Mary Virginia “Jennie” Wade stayed at her sister’s home, helping care for a newborn and baking bread for Union soldiers. A stray bullet passed through two doors, striking and killing Jennie as she worked. Soldiers moved her body to the cellar for safety. Despite the tragedy, her mother used the dough Jennie had prepared to bake 15 loaves of bread for the troops the next day. The house is now a museum preserving her name and sacrifice.
Visitors have seen a transparent figure resembling a young woman moving around the interior. Some also say they’ve seen her wandering outside near the home. Cold drafts and unexplained chills are common among guests. Others notice the smell of baking bread in the disused kitchen. Photos taken inside show strange objects, adding to claims that Jennie’s spirit still lingers. There was a full apparition of a boy that was documented on a paranormal investigation tv show.

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Jennie Wade House

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