Lake County Jail

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The first permanent structure of its kind in Crown Point was the Lake County Jail, which was built in 1882. Initially, the jail consisted of ten cells – six for men and four for women. However, a larger jail was constructed in 1910, leading to the expansion of the cell block to accommodate a greater number of inmates. Eventually, in 1974, Lake County’s new Government Center was completed, providing space for a new sheriff’s office as well as a correctional facility. After serving the community for nearly a century, the Old Lake County Jail was finally shuttered. Notably, John Dillinger, whose escape was referenced in the movie “Public Enemies,” was briefly held in this facility for a period of less than two months.
Eerie manifestations have commonly been witnessed within the confinements of cells and corridors, while peculiar snapshots have been captured. Furthermore, doors possess the inclination to autonomously swing ajar and shut tight, with lights flickering capriciously. To add to the spine-chilling ambiance, disembodied footsteps echo and eerie whispers permeate, frequently recounted by both obliging volunteers and curious visitors alike.

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Lake County Jail

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