Browns Bridge

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Browns Bridge spanned Lake Lanier and was named after the Brown family, prominent citizens of Gainesville, GA. During the Civil War, an earlier version of the bridge was destroyed by high waters. Over the years the bridge gained statewide significance as a rare example of its kind. Browns Bridge has been the site of several deaths, including a tragic incident involving Delia Parker Young and Susie Roberts. In 2021, the second Browns Bridge was demolished and replaced by the Browns Memorial Bridge, marking the third version of the crossing.  
Numerous reports of paranormal activity surround Browns Bridge and the waters of Lake Lanier below. Motorists have experienced sudden car trouble and unsettling sensations while crossing. Witnesses have described strange lights above the lake and sudden cold spots. Many claim to have seen a ghostly figure in a blue dress, believed to be Delia Parker Young, who died in a tragic accident near the bridge. Disembodied voices and eerie apparitions have also been heard and seen.

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Browns Bridge

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