Molly Brown House

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Situated in Denver, the Molly Brown House Museum, widely recognized as the House of Lions, encompasses the dwelling where Margaret Brown, a renowned American philanthropist, activist, and socialite, resided. Margaret earned her reputation as the “Heroine of the Titanic” due to her valiant efforts in assisting survivors during the catastrophic sinking of the RMS Titanic. Consequently, she became famously known as “The Unsinkable Molly Brown”. Presently, the museum showcases an array of exhibits that carefully depict and interpret the remarkable journey that shaped Margaret’s life.
Molly’s room has been reported to have cold spots and visitors have witnessed fleeting sightings of her around corners. It is not just Molly who lingers though. Catherine Ellen, her daughter, is said to haunt her own room, erratically adjusting the blinds. Additionally, tales circulate about a servant’s mirror near the stairs on the first floor, in which his reflection displays a rather somber expression.

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Molly Brown House

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