A straw hat resting atop coiled ropes on a wooden dock with water and foliage in a Texas scene.

The Eerie Charm of Texas: Exploring 8 Haunted Locations

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You’re probably here because you want to discover haunted adventures in the great state of Texas? Well you selected the correct article!

With its rich history and vast expanse of land, Texas is home to many reported haunted locations that will send shivers down your spine. 

From a chilling hotel to a spooky bridge, here are some of the most haunted places in Texas that you should add to your travel bucket list.

Black and white photo of a grand hotel in Texas called Grand Galvez with palm trees and an ornate facade.
Grand Galvez, Galveston

Grand Galvez – Galveston

2024 Seawall Blvd, Galveston, TX 77550, United States

Located in Galveston, Hotel Galvez tops many lists for the most ghostly activity in Texas. Built in 1880, this hotel has a dark history that includes two brides taking their own lives in room 525. 

The first bride was left at the altar by her groom, and heartbroken, she ran up to their suite and took her own life. Since then, guests have reported seeing her walking the halls in her long white gown. 

The second bride was also spurned at the altar and returned to room 525 to take her own life. She can still be seen carrying a gun and entering the room without ever opening the door.

USS Lexington – Corpus Christi

2914 N Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78402, United States

As a naval vessel that saw actual battle during World War II, it’s no surprise that there have been reports of paranormal activity on board the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi. 

The crew has often reported flickering lights and doors slamming on their own, with no logical explanation. Some believe it’s the spirits of sailors who lost their lives on this ship still roaming its decks at night, waiting for the war to end.

Black and white photo of a road with a sign reading "woman hollering creek.
Woman Hollering Creek, Saint Hedwig

Woman Hollering Creek – Saint Hedwig

St Hedwig, TX 78152, USA (29.44896111985298, -98.18681835566768)

This creek in San Antonio is said to be the home of La Llorona, or the Weeping Woman. According to legend, La Llorona was a woman who drowned herself and her family in the creek after her husband left her for another woman. 

Her chilling screams for her children can still be heard echoing from the creek, giving it its fitting name. Many people have felt drawn towards the water by ghostly voices and have even reported feeling tugged towards the bank of the creek.

El Paso High School – El Paso

800 E Schuster Ave, El Paso, TX 79902, United States

While schools might not be the first place that comes to mind when thinking of haunted locations, El Paso High School has quite a spooky story. 

In 1985, the graduating class discovered a woman they couldn’t identify in their group photo. The blurry apparition remains unidentified to this day, but some believe it’s a student who fell from a window and never got the chance to graduate.

Black and white photo of an old haunted building with signage "La Garafe" above its entrance, street number 813 visible, and a bicycle parked by the door in Texas.
La Carafe – Houston

La Carafe – Houston

813 Congress St, Houston, TX 77002, United States

Built in 1860 as a bakery, La Carafe is now a popular bar in Houston. But many come for more than just the drinks – they come for a paranormal experience. 

Bartenders and visitors have reported seeing an apparition of a man walking upstairs and hearing his footsteps pacing the floor. No one knows who this man may be, but some speculate that he may have died there under nefarious circumstances.

Plaza Theater Performing Arts Center – El Paso

125 W Mills Ave, El Paso, TX 79901, United States

Another haunted location in El Paso is the ‘Plaza Theater Performing Arts Center’. Built in 1930 as a movie house, it was later demolished and rebuilt as a live theater space. 

Many workers at this theater have reported seeing a man in one of the box seats dressed in a tuxedo and smoking a cigarette. He has been seen sitting alone in his box, even before the lights were turned on for performances. 

The former vice president of the theater has also witnessed a ghostly girl bouncing a ball in the aisles and a rag doll that seems to move on its own.

Abandoned brick building with arched entrance and overgrown surroundings, known as the haunted Yorktown Memorial Hospital located in Texas.
Yorktown Memorial Hospital, Yorktown, Texas

Yorktown Memorial Hospital – Yorktown

728 W Main St, Yorktown, TX 78164, United States

Established in 1951, this abandoned hospital has been named one of the most haunted places in America. With over 2,000 reported patient deaths within its walls before closing in 1992, it’s no wonder that this hospital is believed to be haunted by vengeful spirits. 

Visitors have reported seeing apparitions of people in hospital gowns, moving wheelchairs, and hearing disembodied voices and footsteps. Some Ghost Hunters have even been touched or had their clothes tugged on while being given ghostly warnings.

The Screaming Bridge – Arlington

701 NW Green Oaks Blvd, Arlington, TX 76006, United States

The original bridge was located on Greenbelt Road in Arlington. After a tragic accident that occurred in 1961, it was then torn down. 

Six teenagers were driving towards the bridge when they were startled by another car reversing and honking its horn wildly. This caused the driver to speed up out of fear and not realizing that the bridge was out, the car crashed into the other side of the ravine. Three teenagers lost their lives that night, and their screams of terror can still be heard by anyone traveling on Greenbelt Road. 

The area is now blocked off, but some say they can still hear the screams and feel themselves being pulled towards the water. A different abandoned bridge that lies within ‘Legacy Parks Mountain Bike Trailhead’ has replaced the old bridge and myth.


Whether you believe in ghosts or not, these renowned haunted places in Texas will send a chill down your spine.

From a ghostly bride in a hotel, to a spooky creek, these haunted Texas locations are not for scaredy cats. So the next time you find yourself in the Lone Star State, why not visit?

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Article by Haunt Scout

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