A group of Paranormal Investigators shine flashlights in a black and white photo that captures their YouTube channel's mysterious exploration.

Popular YouTube Paranormal Investigators Unveiled

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If you’re reading this article, surely you’ve heard of the popular paranormal TV shows such as Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures and the more recent Ghost Nation. Multi-million-dollar TV production companies such as the Travel Channel produce these shows on a high budget due to the intense desire for paranormal content by the public.

With nearly 46% of people in America alone saying they believe in ghosts, the demand for paranormal entertainment, whether it is presented as fiction, nonfiction, or somewhere in between, is quite high. This has led to a spike in not only professional content, but content by amateur ghost hunters looking to produce a higher level of ghost-centric content, with it possibly approaching professional levels.

I mean, what’s the chance of getting your own ghost hunting show on the Travel Channel?

Unfortunately, the chance is not great. That’s why YouTube is a great platform to pursue your ghost hunting filming career. Like in other fields and subcultures, YouTube is ideally suited to spread the word of your interests, reach your audience, cultivate a following, interact with likeminded people, and more.

Plus, since the platform is open to anyone, all you need to get started is an internet connection; a video camera, camera phone, or webcam; and a lot of passion for the paranormal.

I’m fairly active on YouTube and that’s how I discovered these great paranormal teams listed below. I wanted to present these so that readers of Haunt Scout could be aware of some of the great groups out there who are producing interesting and thought-provoking paranormal content.

These examples are some of the original shows found within the industry, and they contain some of the most experienced investigators. So, let’s take a look at some up-and-coming investigators in the industry!

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network. Two paranormal investigators holding a baseball bat in front of a room while posing for a photo for their YouTube channel.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network

BuzzFeed has dedicated a YouTube ghost hunters’ channel geared toward the subjects of the supernatural, mystery and crime. Some funny boys by the names of Ryan and Shane host the supernatural section. These guys are the “Ghost Hunters,” with one being a believer, one being a skeptic.

You will get some laughs along the way, but at the same time “BuzzFeed Supernatural” has its serious moments. Ryan also has an array of geeky ghost hunting gadgets that agitates Shane on a frequent basis.

Some highly entertaining videos they have produced include looks at:

  • Horrors of Villisca Ax Murder House
  • Subterranean Terrors Of The London Tombs
  • Haunted Shadows Of The St. Augustine Lighthouse
  • The Harrowing Hunt For Bigfoot
  • Return To The Horrifying Winchester Mansion
  • Haunted Town Of Tombstone
  • Horrifying Sorrel-Weed Haunted Mansion
  • Haunted Halls Of Waverly Hills Hospital
  • The Ghost Town At Vulture Mine

Of course, these are just a small sampling of the videos found on the channel, as BuzzFeed has been constantly adding videos for numerous years.

Check out the BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Channel on Youtube to see all this great content.

Strange Town. Two Paranormal Investigators standing next to each other on a bridge, recording for their YouTube channel.

Strange Town

Strange Town is a YouTube ghost hunters’ channel that features two paranormal investigators who are based out of Austin, Texas. The boys examine some creepy historical locations, with some that I bet you haven’t heard of! For a two-man team, the production is exceptionally well done, and you’ll notice that Mark and Billy are very passionate about ghost hunting.

Much of their content is focused on the Texas area, so if you are from the American southwest, or if you have a strong interest in the area, these guys are a great resource for learning about some of the hauntings, ghost stories, unusual occurrences, folklore, and more that have happened in the region.

Check out the Strange Town Channel on Youtube and be sure to support them on Patreon.

The Haunted Side. Two Paranormal Investigators standing next to each other in an auditorium, recording a video for their YouTube channel.

The Haunted Side

The Haunted Side is another YouTube ghost hunters’ channel that features a professional production and approach regarding content about hunting the supernatural. Patrick McQueary, the founder, with his cinematographer Sean, explores some popular locations such as the Silver Queen Hotel and the Winchester Mystery House, with there not being enough caution tape in the world to help you navigate the latter.

One great aspect about this channel is that they are incredibly prolific, providing numerous updates throughout each month, giving users a lot of bang for their buck. At the time of writing this, the team is on Season 2, so get over to their channel and start watching. There’s plenty to get through!

Check out The Haunted Side Channel on Youtube and be sure to support them on Patreon.

The Paranormal Files. Two YouTube paranormal investigators standing next to each other with tattoos.

The Paranormal Files

The Paranormal Files channel has collected quite a following on YouTube, and that’s in no small part because of the quality content they produce. The team specializes in exploring all things paranormal, which includes supernatural occurrences, religious views, cryptids, and extraterrestrials. Colin Browen and Payton McWhorter approach the paranormal in an extreme and entertaining way that really makes for an engaging watch. 

One aspect of note about these guys, though, is that they aren’t strictly paranormal investigators, and their channel does offer other videos such as scary stories, interviews, and live webcasts.

Check out The Paranormal Files on Youtube and be sure to support them on Patreon.

Amy’s Crypt in a hoodie standing in a cemetery while being recorded for a YouTube channel dedicated to Paranormal Investigators.

Amy’s Crypt

This YouTube ghost hunters’ channel is led by a husband-and-wife team based out of Australia. Another example of a channel that gets frequent and quality updates, Amy’s Crypt takes viewers on excursions that include everything from haunted ships to prisons with regular ghost sightings to homes that have experienced disaster.

For this channel, I particularly love the hosts’ passion for the paranormal, so it’s certainly one I would recommend to any certified paranormal fanatics out there.

Check out Amy’s Crypt on Youtube for some excellent content.

Ghost Club Paranormal leader in a leather jacket is standing in the woods while recording a paranormal investigation video for her YouTube channel.

Ghost Club Paranormal

Another YouTube ghost hunters’ channel I’m fond of is Ghost Club Paranormal, run by some folks who provide a wealth of uploads with solid production value.

Some of their videos of note include a visit to a satanic cult house, a shadow person being captured on camera, haunted hotel and haunted house investigations, and much more. Don’t sleep on this one because they have some great content.

Check out Ghost Club Paranormal on Youtube and be sure to give them a follow!

A group of Paranormal Investigators holding up a sign that says haunted truth.

Haunted Truth

Our last YouTube ghost hunters’ channel is run by paranormal investigators who are also self-proclaimed horror fanatics. They’re additionally quite prolific and have released content on haunted location investigations, horror film reviews, unboxing videos for horror collectables, analyses of various paranormal occurrences and claims, and plenty more.

The movie reviews in particular can be a nice change of pace if you want something related to the paranormal but is a little different and more playful and fun.

Check out Haunted Truth on Youtube and be sure to give them a follow!


Since YouTube is a virtually endless video platform, you can imagine that these are only some of the up-and-coming ghost hunters you’ll be able to find. With a little digging, you’re sure to discover a lot of other great channels led by people dedicated to the supernatural and exploring its mysteries.

Thanks for reading and please share. We’d love to get the word out about these great channels and investigators!

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Article by Haunt Scout

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